Wednesday, 29 July 2015

emilyrose: Eroticon 2015 saying hello

NAME (and Twitter name if you have one)
Emily @emilyrose_uk on Twitter and emilyrose on FetLife
Is this your first time at Eroticon? If No, what is your favourite memory from a previous Eroticon and if Yes, what are you most looking forward to at Eroticon 2015?
I went to the Eroticon in London which was a couple of years back, totally forgetful of when (2013?)... I booked to do the next one in Bristol too, but was poorly and couldn't go.  My favourite memory?  Well, I met my now good friend Heather Day and I came across Cindy Gallop in her closing keynote who has been so influential in the development of my business (see below)... Also, misery sticks... (also see below).  This time I'm really looking forward to getting a much-needed motivation & passion injection into my writing in time for NaNoWriMo.
Which 3 sessions have you already earmarked as definitely going to?
I haven't really thought about it up until this point.  
*looks at the schedule*
I'll definitely be going to Stella's session on Dark Erotica and MK Elliot's on Self-Publishing.  Remittance Girl's Jouissance, of course.   I also think it'd be very remiss of me not to go to Molly's kinkbooth to support (and hopefully learn some lovely new things... I was introduced to the misery (happy?) stick last time, yummy) 
What drink will you be ordering at the bar on the Saturday night?
Depends.  Might be red wine.  Might be bubbles (if they have them at a decent price).  Might be a vodka & soda.  Depends on my mood really. 
If you wrote an autobiography what would it be called?
Considering making a start on one for NaNoWriMo this year...  Not sure what the actual title will be, but am thinking The Answer is 42 makes a decent start on the working title... (calm yourselves, I'm 42, my magic number *isn't* 42.  Yet).
Where are you writing this post and what 5 things can you see around you (not including the device you are writing on)?
I'm writing post at home in my makeshift study (it's a nook in the kitchen).  I can see outside (wooden fence, plain concrete tiles, a little shrubbage from the neighbouring garden), my real-life business certificates, my armchair and my friend's cat who I am providing temporary sanctuary for, curled up on the armchair.  Is that 5?  I can also see my other laptop, the work-provided one which is reminding me I should be typing on that and not this... 
And the last one… If you could go out to dinner with any 5 sex bloggers or erotic writers, regardless of whether they are coming to Eroticon or not who would they be?
I'd absolutely LOVE to meet Sophie Morgan, I love her writing (OMG, she can write pain!) and I'm very envious of her life (met her Dom, married him, child; everything I still want and don't yet have).   I'm not sure Cindy Gallop counts as a sex blogger or erotic writer, but she's my absolute shero and role model - I've met her in RL already and so I know she won't disappoint, and her work on makelovenotporn and changing the face of sextech has got to count.  I'd let her choose the venue, the food would be sumptuous with a great cocktail menu. Girl on the Net, she'd be excellent dinner company and Zoe Margolis - she knows my cousin, so I know she'll be great.  And Guy New York.  Just because. :-P